Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: Students will march the streets of Sydney today

NSW: Students will march the streets of Sydney today

Student anti-war protesters will defy New South Wales Police and take to the streetsof Sydney in a march today.

The Books Not Bombs national coalition behind last weeks' protest march -- which wasmarred by an outbreak of violence -- says nothing will deter them from marching.

Police in turn have warned they won't allow the city to be hijacked by an anarchistfew intent on repeating last Wednesday's scenes of violence throughout the Sydney CBD.

Police have refused to grant a march permit, and say arrests may be made if the rallyturns ugly or if city streets are blocked.

But Books Not Bombs spokesman SIMON BUTLER says the group will defend to the deathits fundamental democratic right to march in the streets.

Another spokesperson, KYLIE MOON, says organisers are hoping for a peaceful protest,and are trying to stir up a more musical theme with buskers and street theatre artists.

AAP RTV jo/nf/kn/rt/wjf/kn/ds


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