Friday, March 2, 2012

Fed: Gov't to reassess cases of Iraqi refugees

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Gov't to reassess cases of Iraqi refugees

A group of Iraqis at the centre of the children overboard affair will have their refugee
applications reassessed.

Immigration Minister AMANDA VANSTONE's told ABC TV the 42 requests are being reassessed
because the government's received updated information from the UN about Iraq and its shift
to a sovereign government.

The reassessments apply to 27 Iraqi nationals being held on the Pacific island Nauru
and 15 Iraqis being held in mainland detention centres.

The government has previously assessed the Iraqis as not being in need of protection.

Prime Minister JOHN HOWARD initially said the group of asylum seekers wouldn't set
foot in Australia when he believed they'd thrown their children overboard so they could
be rescued in 2001.

AAP RTV bt/jmt/lm/psm/


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