Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Annapolis, Maryland

The state of Maryland is seeking proposals for renewable energy generated from animal waste. Gov. Martin O'Maliey announced the program as part of the Clean Bay Power project to promote use of renewable energy, reduce Maryland's contribution to agricultural runoff in the Chesapeake Bay and encourage job creation. The State's renewable energy portfolio standard (RPS) requires that electric suppliers purchase 20 percent of their power from clean energy sources by 2022. Maryland is seeking to purchase electricity from manure-based fuels in order to reduce the amount of nutrients, specifically nitrogen and phosphorus, entering the Chesapeake Bay.

The Clean Bay Power project is an undertaking of the Maryland Department of General Services in coordination with the Maryland Departments of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, the Maryland Energy Administration and the University System of Maryland. The successful supplier must have an electric generating capacity of up to 10 MW from animal waste - such as poultry fitter or livestock manure - and must be directly connected to the regional electricity grid. The selected supplier must begin providing electricity to the state by December 31, 2015.

Energy solicited through this RFP is limited to projects consuming animal waste as their primary fuel and which also qualify under the current definition of a "Tier I" renewable energy resource under the Maryland RPS. For the Clean Bay RFP: https://ebidmarket place.com. Deadline for proposal submission: November 30, 2011.

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