Saturday, March 3, 2012

Economist: Prepare Now For Decline in 1% Avg. Earnings.

The sun rises. The Boston Red Sox are cursed. And a credit union's earnings should be about 1%.

That no-news-is-good-news axiom has never been more true than on that first one. It turns out that No. 2's guarantee wasn't so ironclad after all. And No.2's fate should prepare credit unions for a change in that third decree, as well, according to one person.

CUNA Economist Mike Schenk said he has been spending some time of late preparing credit union board members for what will almost certainly be an inevitable change in the bottom line. CUNA's economic forecast for the two years ahead indicates that earnings this year, on average, for credit unions will be right around .85%, and that that average will further decline to approximately …

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