Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WA: Board of Imams not full Sharia law: Islamic Council

AAP General News (Australia)
WA: Board of Imams not full Sharia law: Islamic Council

The Islamic Council of WA says the decision to set up a West Australian board of Imams
.. to mediate between Muslims on civil disputes .. is NOT an attempt to introduce full
Sharia law.

The council has begun setting up the board .. following a recommendation at last September's
Conference of Australian Imams in Sydney for national and state boards of Imams.

The Islamic Council of WA's religious adviser .. ABDUL JALIL AHMAD .. says individual
Imams have been providing advice on issues such as divorce and commercial and property
disputes based on Sharia law for years.

He says a state body is needed to provide unified and clear decisions.

But SURESH RAJAN .. spokesman for the Ethnic Communities Council of WA .. says it's
dangerous to mix religion and civil law.

He says .. once you get into a legal system based upon religious principles .. a greater
risk of interpretational difficulties will come up.

Federal Attorney-General PHILIP RUDDOCK says a board of Imams would be allowed to settle
differences out of court .. but wouldn't be allowed to pass judgement on disputes.

AAP RTV np/ibw/bart


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