WA: Abattoir investigates infected worker
By Tom Wald
PERTH, April 12 AAP - A Perth meatgoods company is investigating the case of a 22-year-oldabattoir worker believed to have a potentially fatal infection commonly spread by rat'surine.
Watsonia spokesman Jeff Sheridan said today the employee had been seriously ill inhospital for several weeks with leptospirosis.
The disease, also known as Weil's disease, is commonly spread by rat's urine throughcontaminated water and is potentially fatal.
Mr Sheridan said it was the third time in 20 years the illness had hit one of its workersat the abattoir on Perth's southern outskirts.
"I believe the young man is seriously ill and is still in hospital and we are veryconcerned," he said.
"It (the leptospirosis threat) is something we are aware of and we take precautionsto prevent it.
"But our primary concern at the moment is for the young man and his family and hisworkmates who are concerned."
Mr Sheridan said Worksafe also was looking into the matter.
"We have had a visit from Worksafe, a couple of inspectors talked about the young man'scondition and what precautions we take," he said.
"I am sure if the young man's condition were to deteriorate I would expect them tocome out and conduct further inquiries."
AAP tdw/sd/cjh/bwl s
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