Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Jury discharged without verdict at Chant murder trial

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Jury discharged without verdict at Chant murder trial

The jury at the New South Wales Supreme Court trial of a woman accused of shooting
her husband dead has been discharged after failing to reach a verdict.

JOYCE CHANT denies killing her husband ROBERT CHANT in September 1992 but has admitted
to dismembering his torso .. legs and arm and dumping them in three separate locations
across the state.

During JOYCE CHANT'S trial the jury was told her violent .. abusive husband was accidentally
shot during a struggle over a gun.

The jury retired on Tuesday but have told NSW Supreme Court Justice RODERICK HOWIE
it's unable to decide if the incident was murder .. manslaughter or simply an accident.

AAP RTV kaj/hn/ka


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